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Quick Start Guide

The information below will help you to get started with M/Docs II legal software. Please note that we have much more detailed information available, including a full manual with screen shots, in our help section.

Before you begin . . . We encourage you to take some time to review the Help portion of the software. The Help material is illustrated with dozens of screen shots that correlate to the commands you will be performing throughout the document-creation process. The Help material is arranged in outline form, much like traditional printed manuals. It takes you through the process of entering client data, selecting documents and auto-filling them. As you familiarize yourself with the software, you can call up the Help material for the screen you are working in by pressing the F1 key or by clicking on the Help menu at the top of the screen. As in other Windows-based applications, the Help information will display in a separate window, allowing you to easily switch between the instructions provided and your work.

To immediately access, manually fill and print a form, click on the Create New Form icon, expand the form group for the document you wish to create. Check the box for the form you want and click Select. When the document appears, you can begin typing information in the blanks, moving your cursor from blank to blank using the tab key or your mouse.

To store client data and use it to automatically fill a form:

  1. From the Welcome Screen click Maintain your list of clients to be taken to the client screen. Click the "+" on the tool bar to add a new client to the program. Type in the client name, phone number and other important notes. Click Save on the tool bar to keep that information.
  2. On the toolbar, Click Add Matter (located next to the Save icon) and select the type of matter that corresponds to your documents. Assign a name to the matter. Expand and collapse the various parts of the matter page using the tool button marked with a "^" to enter in data for your client’s matter and save it. When finished, close the data page using the Close button at the bottom of the page or the red "x" button at the top right of the screen.
  3. On the toolbar, Click Data. This time, select Draft By to record the information about the professional preparing the documents. Once the data is entered, remember to save it; then close the window.
  4. Click the Auto-Fill New Forms button on the top tool bar and select the documents you need to prepare from the pop-up window; click Select. A series of screens will ask you to select and confirm the Matter and Draft by data to be used in the documents. After you click the last OK, the documents will then be listed on the Client Forms tab for that client. A dialog box will also appear confirming the creation of the new document.
  5. Click on the Client Forms tab then click each individual form to display the document and verify that the data was properly entered. Complete the form by adding data to the empty blanks. You may then save your document and print it using the commands at the top of the page.

Remember: This program allows the user to automatically enter client data in more fields than were available in M/Docs. If any data you have stored and expect to appear on a form does not show up, please double-check to ensure the data was entered in the most appropriate data grid.

M/Docs II helps you complete multiple legal forms quickly and easily with authority.

Click-here to start today!


Click the PDF icon below to download a printable version of this quick start guide.




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