Legal Forms >> Minnesota >> Family Law >> Service of Process & Defaults
Form #:AOS501 Admission of Service Dissolution Without Children is used by the Respondent in a dissolution lawsuit to affirm that they have received the initial Summons and Petition for Dissolution of Marriage. Signing this document does not mean you agree with everything in the Petition you received; it simply acknowledges your receipt of the Petition and the beginning of the dissolution process. You are not required to return the Admission of Service Dissolution Without Children form, but failure to do so may result in the judge awarding your spouse everything he/she asked for in the Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.
Name:Admission of Service - Dissolution of Marriage (without Children) (Formerly DIV405) Form Number: AOS501 State:Minnesota Statute: Form Category:Service of Process & Defaults
Carbonless:No Number of Pages:2 Paper Size:Letter Dimensions WxH:8.5X11.0
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