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1,400+ legal forms available - written by practicing attorneys
M/Docs II provides a reliable database of more than 1,400 legal forms written by
practicing attorneys, giving you the peace of mind that you are using the most
accurate and highest quality legal forms for your client. And, all of our forms
are reviewed and updated by our editorial staff – attorneys with practice experience!
Forms are available in the following Forms Libraries:
- Adoption (Minnesota)
- Conveyancing (Minnesota)
- Guardianship Conservatorship (Minnesota)
- Judicial Enforcement (Minnesota)
- Liens, Leases and Waivers (Minnesota)
- Probate (Minnesota)
- Probate (Wisconsin)
- Purchase Agreements (Minnesota)
- Real Property Sales (Minnesota)
- Real Estate Package (Minnesota)
- Uniform Commercial Code
- Workers’ Compensation (Minnesota)
Click-here to download a list of available forms by Library